The Canadian NGO Sector

This presentation was created by the Canada Team: Francesca Bove, Rebecca Grossman, Tom Lewis, Robyn Vernon, Alexandra Yoest

Introductory Activity

In your breakout rooms please review the cases on this website and talk about them within your group. This activity is meant to give you insight into the genocide and mass atrocity context of Canada. 

Analysis of the NGO/Civil Society Sector of Canada

There are more than 170,000 NGOs in Canada, and about 86,000 are charitable organizations. 

Canada ranks in the top ten most charitable countries in the world. 

All not-for-profit organizations must operate under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, or similar provincial legislation. 

Similarly to the US, the board of directors is responsible for all aspects of the organization. 

Analysis of the Genocide & Mass Atrocity Context

Description of the Native Women’s Association of Canada

 Hayley Crichton, a Nova Scotia based representative, is our main contact from NWAC

Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

Mission Statement: Advocate for and inspire women and families of many Indigenous nations.

Vision Statement: We envision an inclusive world that understands and respects the diversity and uniqueness of all Indigenous women and families.

NWAC's Provincial and Territorial Member Associations 

Click Here for more information about NWAC's 13 Provincial and Territorial Member Associations! 

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

NWAC's Relationship with the Canadian Government


NWAC does face challenges advancing their mission. Three major obstacles include:


Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention

Risk Factors for Genocide and Mass Atrocities:

Midstream Responses:

  Downstream Responses:Historical, multigenerational, and intergenerational trauma