Tour - Part 2
"I am 48 years old, I was born in 1970. For more than 80 years we resided in Sur. The house they destroyed was from our grandfathers."

"The process [of urban transformation] goes back to 2009. There was a joint project by the governor’s office and municipality. ...Alipaşa and Lalebey were chosen as pilot regions. If it worked, this project would expand to other parts of Sur. ...They had planned to drive people from there, demolish slums, and bring in new inhabitants... when the municipality realized this, it withdrew from the protocol."

"It was peaceful because we knew everyone, all our neighbours. We felt very safe, [even when] outside until midnight. Unknown people can’t go in those streets. Because everybody knew each other and they looked after each other... There was a solidarity. But at the end, because of the destruction there is no solidarity anymore."