Pollution is defined as the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. Pollution has become a growing global issue that leads to damage to the quality of air, land, and water. As the birthplace of life, oceans are essential and therefore marine pollution is becoming a dire issue. Pollutants can get into the oceans in various ways including agricultural wastes, land runoff, industrial wastes, oil spills, chemicals, and litter. A major component of litter is plastic, which is overpowering our oceans, so much so that it is considered a plastic pollution crisis. Oceanic pollution leads to threats to many marine species, including entanglement, starvation, and depletion of oxygen, which is harmful to human health. Gas emissions and global warming have contributed to an increased melting of the polar caps, endangering many species, and exposing the global world population to many risks, such as the rise of ocean levels. These are just a few of the very serious impacts that come from pollution in our oceans. The need for a solution is becoming more and more important. Some proposed solutions include conserving water, reducing plastic pollution, recycling, ocean cleanup, and reducing gas emissions. Various advocacy groups have begun to spread awareness and work towards positive change when it comes to combating pollution. Let’s dive into some of the major oceans worldwide and how pollution is affecting them!