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Creating Collective Memory



Part of Industry main

More than 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. Oceans not only help regulate our climate and generate most of the oxygen we breathe, but they also have major implications for other industries: the food industry, the oil industry, the energy industry, the shipping industry, and many more. These industries have grown over the years, and with the help of the oceans they have helped humans move forward and complement our lives. 


For example, oceans have been used for commerce purposes since around 1000 to 600 BC, leading to the development of maritime trade networks, most of which are still used today. The exploration of oceans eventually led to the discovery of America in 1492 when Cristopher Columbus traveled to “the new world”. This form of exploration has changed the course of history, and now these oceanic routes are used for more social transportations as well as commerce. 


Through the years, oceans have been studied to facilitate society with more than just “routes” for exploration and travel, for example the oil industry. The first oil was discovered in China in the early 600 BC, it was transported in bamboo back then; next, the first oil drilling in ocean waters took place in 1896 off the coast of California, and nowadays, the oil industry is one of the most economically profitable industries in the world. 


