Binghamton University Libraries
This site is one page stating the Libraries' current (as of January 2021) takedown policy. Link to Libraries' page with same text (and other policies) is also provided.
This site includes TimelineJS projects from Professor Kim's Fall 2020 undergraduate course.
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
This site is the main site for the Libraries Exhibits Committee
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
Documenting work for the Mapping Violence project, with students in HIST 501D Digital History at Binghamton University.
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
Visualizing warfare and urban redevelopment as interconnected forms of state violence - Sur, Turkey (2015-2021)
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
This site contains projects developed by Dr. David Campbell's students in his course on non-governmental organizations.
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
Created by the Libraries Exhibits Committee in 2021, this virtual pandemic exhibit features original mask-themed imagery and media submitted by members of the Binghamton University community.
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.

This project memorializes human health in Mexico before the 20th century. It offers a large, crowdsourced database of historical mortality events; custom essays and visualizations that geolocate and interpret health and ecology in Mexico; and resources for teachers and researchers that explain how to use and contribute to the project.
This is a Special Collections virtual exhibit about the life and work of Edwin A. Link, Binghamton inventor and pioneer in aviation and underwater exploration.
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
This is a collection of class projects from Human Development 357 Spring 2020 and Spring 2021
This site is currently being evaluated and edited to meet accessibility standards. We appreciate your patience as we work to make these sites more user friendly for everyone.
Sandbox to use for Digital Scholarship Workshops
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